
2022 International Design Competition
2022-01-28 18:01:44

2022 "Light of Ancient Chengdu- Sanxingdui" Belt and Road Initiative International Design Competition

For Sanxingdui related information, please refer as followed(The above information is for reference only and cannot be used for other purposes):


I. Activity Name

2022 "Light of Ancient Chengdu- Sanxingdui" Belt and Road Initiative International Design Competition


II. Theme, Purpose and Positioning of the Competition

(I)              Theme

Exploring the ancient, and integrating the new

(II)           Purpose

In order to promote the international level of art education, vigorously promote the inheritance and innovation of excellent culture, and promote exchanges, development and mutual understanding in the art field, the "Belt and Road Initiative" International Art Education Alliance plans to build a bridge of communication between different cultures and arts through the design competition. So it can better strengthen the source of civilization of "Sanxingdui", the brand image of the miracle of ancient Chengdu, carry forward the civilization of ancient Chengdu and develop Tianfu culture; promote cultural exchanges between countries along the “Belt and Road Initiative”, expand the global influence of ancient Chengdu culture, build national and world-class cultural brands, and achieve a new chapter in the high-quality development of cultural and creative industries in Sichuan.


(III) Positioning

The competition takes "exploring the ancient Chengdu civilization of Sanxingdui and integrating modern multi-dimensional design" as the source point and "exploring the ancient and integrating the new" as the design theme, so that the excellent culture is integrated into the industry and people's life. The cultural elements of Sanxingdui: utensils, patterns, bronze figures and costumes are taken as the creative core of the competition, the modern multi-dimensional design concept represented by culture, innovation, fashion and technology is advocated, new power is injected into creative innovation so as to create new carrier and find a new way.


III. Activity Time

January 20, 2022-May 20, 2022


IV. Organization

1. Sponsor:

"Belt and Road Initiative" International Art Education Alliance


2.     Organizer:

Chengdu Textile College

Chengdu Shu Brocade and Embroidery Museum


3.     Guide unit:

The Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute


4.     Review Expert Committee:

The Organizing Committee of the competition selects experts, scholars, authorities, entrepreneurs, etc. in various related fields from the competition expert database to establish a review expert committee, which is responsible for formulating the review rules and standards, and carrying out various competition review activities.


V. Competition Arrangement

The time is from January 2022 to April 2022, with the form of collecting works worldwide. The theme of the main competition unit work is "Sanxingdui Elements", and there are three categories.

Requirements on design work:

1. Category A: textile design

(1)   Form range: creative textile product with the theme of Sanxingdui elements. It is required to develop creative products such as textile pattern design, clothing, costume and home textiles with Sanxingdui elements from Sanxingdui patterns, utensils, costume and other perspectives.

(2) Works requirements: original design, distinctive style, superb performance skills and excellent production.

(3) Specification requirements: provide a design exhibition board, and arrange according to the requirements, including: design description, works renderings, or photos (reflecting the overall, partial or combined effect), structural descriptions, etc. The size of a single image shall not exceed 20M. A3 format, 300dpi, JPG, RGB

(4) Encourage the created physical products to participate in the evaluation.


2.     Category B: visual communication design

(1)   Form range: Sanxingdui theme poster design, poster design, logo design, UI design, VI system design, brand design, book binding design, packaging design, digital painting, font design, illustration design, etc.

(2)   Works requirements: it must be the original work, with distinctive creative features, strong sense of form, and excellent production.

(3) Specification requirements: provide a design exhibition board, and arrange according to the requirements, including: design description, works renderings, or photos (reflecting the overall, partial or combined effect), structural descriptions, etc. The size of a single image shall not exceed 20M. A3 format, 300dpi, JPG, RGB


3. Category C: cultural and creative product design


(1) Form range: cultural and creative products with the theme of Sanxingdui elements include but not limited to: ceramics, prints, digital products, household products and other arts and crafts products, etc., the unique patterns, utensils and other elements are integrated in the design.

(2) Works requirements it must be the original work, with distinctive creative features, strong sense of form, and excellent production.

(3) Specification requirements: provide a design exhibition board, and arrange according to the requirements, including: design description, works renderings, or photos (reflecting the overall, partial or combined effect), three views, structural descriptions, etc. The size of a single image shall not exceed 20M. A3 format, 300dpi, JPG, RGB

(4) Encourage the created physical products to participate in the evaluation.


VI. Registration Method

1. Registration materials:

Download and fill in the registration form;

Please provide a photocopy or scanned copy of your ID (ID card, student ID card, passport, work certificate, etc.);


2.     Submit the entry: (before 24:00 on April 20, 2022)

ID document; 

Entry form and registration form;

Confidentiality commitment letter

Work copyright commitment

Work documents


Please login the official website of the competition to download the relevant form templates:


3.     How to submit works:

Online submission: send the compressed package of identity certificate, registration form, electronic version of the entry form, scanned copy of the confidentiality commitment letter and work document to the email designated by the competition organizing committee. Please submit category-A works to the mailbox: SXD2021_A@163.com; Please submit category-B works to the mailbox: SXD2021_B@163.com; Please submit category-C works to the mailbox: SXD2021_C@163.com; and name the work document and the subject of the email as "category of entry + name of author (unit) + title of work".

Offline submission: submit the registration form, entry form and confidentiality commitment letter, works exhibition board documents, and the actual works to the organizing committee office by express or directly to the door to submit materials (working days) (please send the registration form electronic document and the courier number to the mailbox designated by the competition organizing committee).


VII. Requirements on Entries

1. All entries must be original, with sufficient, complete and independent intellectual property rights, and the entries must not plagiarize the creativity of others. The participant shall bear all legal disputes arising therefrom.

2. Entries that have participated in other design competitions and won awards or designed products of a third party are not allowed to participate in the competition. The participant shall bear all legal disputes arising therefrom.

3. Please note the name of all submissions as “category of entry + name of author (unit) + title of work” for information verification and selection.


VIII. Competition Arrangement and Key Activities

The competition process is divided into four stages: the start of the competition, the collection of works, the selection and evaluation, the awards exhibition and the transformation of achievements.

(I) Start of the competition: December 30, 2021-January 20, 2022

The announcement is officially released, and it is widely publicized and reported through various media such as posters and the Internet.

(II) Collection of works: January 20, 2022-April 20, 2022

1. Offline promotion: 

Promotion activities of domestic colleges and universities and associations: the national design well-known universities and domestic industry associations are taken as the publicity goals, and excellent participants are be widely mobilized to provide entries. International publicity and promotion activities: through the joint cooperation of the “Belt and Road Initiative” education alliance and the international well-known design schools, the team of international participants is expanded so as to collect more international entries.

2. Registration and work uploading: January 20, 2022-April 20, 2022

The participant shall register through the Internet, complete the entries uploading before () month, and do the work related to the copyright commitment at the same time. At the same time, the enterprises are organized to intervene in advance so as to promote the follow-up incubation and docking of award-winning creative design works.


(III) Evaluation of competition: April 21-April 30, 2022

The competition follows the principles of openness, fairness and equity, and conducts selection and evaluation in a scientific and rigorous manner according to strict selection and evaluation procedures and scoring standards. The selection review is divided into two stages: preliminary review and final review:

1.  Preliminary review stage: April 21-April 24

(1) Screening of works

The expert committee of the competition organizes experts to conduct preliminary screening of all entries according to the requirements of the collection direction so as to eliminate the entries not meeting the requirements.

(2) Preliminary selection

Evaluate design exhibition board. The expert committee of the competition organizes the judges to conduct the selection, and there are many entries for each category.

2.  Final review stage: April 25-April 30

(1) Final selection

The expert committee of the competition organizes the judges to combine on-site and video evaluation, and adopt the method of voting to evaluate the entries according to the category, and select the list of winners of various awards.

(2) Publicity

The award-winning works of the finals will be announced on the official website and WeChat platform designated by the competition. If non-original works are found, the competition organizing committee will cancel the qualifications and results after verification.


(IV) Awards exhibition and achievement transformation: May 2022

1.  The award-winning works will be officially announced on the competition official website and WeChat platform.

2.  The entries will be exhibited in a centralized manner.

3. Invite cultural and creative institutions and enterprises to participate the competition, and build a platform for cooperation and achievement transformation and exchange.


IX. Awards Setting


The first, secondthird prizesexcellence awards and finalist awards shall be set for 2022 "Light of Ancient Chengdu- Sanxingdui" Belt and Road Initiative International Design Competition. The specific awards and bonuses are set as follows:

1 first prize: 8,000 yuan (before tax) and honor certificate

2 second prizes: 5,000 yuan (before tax) and honor certificates

5 third prizes: 2,000 yuan (before tax) and honor certificates

20 excellence awards: 1,000 yuan (before tax) and honor certificates

Several finalist awards: honor certificates

An excellent organization award is set for this competition to reward institutions or schools that actively organize students and individuals to participate in the competition. The Excellent Organization Award will receive a certificate of honor and a certificate issued by the competition.

The certificate of honor shall be issued for all entries.



1.  All bonuses are paid in RMB (personal income tax is at your own expense).

2.  The knowledge achievements and copyright of the award-winning works belong to the sponsor and the organizer.  (It needs to sign the copyright commitment letter of the work).


X. Contact

1. Contact: teacher Xu

"Belt and Road Initiative" International Art Education Alliance

Official website of the competition:


Tel: 13980621479


Please send the entries to the mailbox of the Organizing Committee:

Category A works: SXD2021_A@163.com

Category B works: SXD2021_B@163.com

Category C works: SXD2021_C@163.com


2.     Mailing address for works:

Chengdu Textile College, No. 186, Taishan South Road, Xipu Street, Pidu District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province


Recipient and phone number of physical works: 

Category A competition works -- teacher Li 15184350813

Category B competition works – teacher Tang 13908219903

Category C competition works-- teacher Ma 13568806759



     "Light of Ancient Chengdu- Sanxingdui" Belt and Road Initiative International Creative Design Competition Organizing Committee    

                                                        January 20th, 2022


Submission Template.zip
