

          一带一路”国际艺术教育联盟成立于 2018年11月,由成都纺织高等专科学校倡导并发起。目前已有国内外、省内外院校 、行业企业、政府机构近80家单位加盟。 联盟旨在艺术领域促进交流,促进发展, 促进资源共享, 在不同的文化艺术空间搭 建起相互沟通的桥梁;通过艺术教育交流 与合作, 为民心相通架桥铺路,为共建“ 一带一路”培养急需艺术人才。通过国际 艺术教育联盟,使“一带一路”国家各院 校和行业、企业机构之间建立起更加紧密 的友好关系, 增进各成员之间的合作交流 。联盟本着“优势互补、资源共享、协同 创新、合作共赢”的原则, 充分发挥联盟 成员单位的特色和优势,广泛开展多种形 式的国际、校际、地区间的艺术教育和文 化交流与合作, 促进各区域艺术教育发展 ,为培养各国应用型艺术人才做贡献。

    Under the guidance of the Education Department of Sichuan province, initiated by Chengdu Textile College, the “Belt and Road” International Art Education Alliance is founded in 2018 to promote cultural exchanges and mutual learning among relevant institutions, industries and enterprises in the countries and regions along the " belt and road" and build up an international platform for cooperation and exchange among them. Cultural element is bound to be a hard push even the critical key to support Chengdu’s construction of the world-level city. Based on the principle of "complementary advantages, resource sharing, collaborative innovation, and win-win cooperation", the alliance gives full play to the characteristics and advantages of its member units, extensively carries out various forms of international, inter school and inter regional art education and cultural exchanges and cooperation, promotes the development of regional art education and contributes to the cultivation of practical art talents from all countries. Since June, 2020, there have been almost 80 members from education, industory, government sectors in and aboard, from Sichuan porvince and other provinces of China.