

邛窑国际交流活动日在邛崃顺利举行 International Exchange Day of Qionglai Kiln was Successfully Held
2020-05-28 13:05:36

四川新闻网成都1116日讯  第五届“一带一路”国际文化艺术周暨邛窑国际交流活动日在邛窑考古遗址公园顺利举行。本次活动由成都纺织高等专科学校、邛崃市人民政府主办,邛崃市文化体育和旅游局、邛窑大师工作站及国际交流中心承办。成都纺织高等专科学校领导、邛崃市相关负责人、邛窑艺术家、专家学者和来自“一带一路”沿线12个国家的60余位国际友人,90余人出席。



据悉,本次交流活动日是四川省教育国际文化体验系列活动第五届“一带一路”国际文化艺术周的重要组成部分,活动以“融合发展 开放共享”为主题、非遗传承传播为主线、“非遗+文旅文创”为主要形式,特邀“一带一路”沿线国家师生代表走进邛窑。通过参观邛窑遗址、体验邛陶技艺、开展“非遗+文旅文创”论坛,搭建“一带一路”文化交流合作平台,讲好邛崃故事、传播邛窑文化。







The fifth "Belt and Road" international cultural and art week and Qiongyao international exchange day were held successfully in Qiongyao Archaeological Park. This activity is sponsored by Chengdu Textile College and Qionglai Municipal People's government, and organized by Qionglai culture, sports and Tourism Bureau, Qiongyao master workstation and international exchange center.

The main theme of the event is "integration of development, openness and sharing". The main theme is "heritage and cultural tourism". The cultural exchange platform is designed to visit Qionglai's Qiongyao ruins, experience qiongtao art, and carry out the forum of "intangible heritage and literary travel and literary creation".

Qionglai, as the first city of Chengdu on the west side of the Southern Silk Road, is also the birthplace of China's color porcelain. As early as more than 1000 years ago, Chinese ceramics flowed to countries around the world through the famous "Silk Road" and "Ceramic Road on the sea", becoming an important medium for Sino foreign exchanges. Qionglai will make full use of its own cultural resources to strengthen cross regional cultural exchange activities and make more contributions in promoting cultural exchanges and mutual learning.

It is of great significance to further promote the integration of Qionglai culture and tourism, enhance the influence of Qiongyao culture brand and promote Qionglai to create Tianfu tourism county.
