
2024-07-03 09:07:03




    I. Background

        2024 “Dayi’s Souvenir for You” “Belt and Road” International Design Competition is jointly initiated by the People's Government of Dayi County and the "Belt and Road" International Art Education Alliance, aiming at the innovative development of brand visual images and cultural and creative products of Dayi County's special tourist attractions and special products through the organisation of the Competition, so as to create the brand image of Dayi's local culture and tourism and enhance the overall influence of the regional culture and tourism. Moreover, the competition will contribute to student cultivation among colleges and universities, and augment the opportunities of innovation and         practice for college students. The competition adheres to the principles of "design-driven, focusing on creativity, cultural and tourism integration, public welfare innovation", combines local ecological resources, history and folklore and economic advantages, focuses on cultural and tourism brand shaping and dissemination, and realises the in-depth cooperation between Dayi County's design empowerment and the development of design disciplines in colleges and universities.



1.     主办单位:



2.    承办单位:




3.    协办单位:




4.    执行单位:


5.    评审专家委员会:



II. Organisational Structure

        1. Host:

        "Belt and Road" International Art Education Alliance

        Dayi County Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau

        2. Organiser:

        Chengdu Anren Ancient Town Scenic Area Management Committee

        Chengdu Textile College

        ILSTC International Vocational Education Alliance

        3. Co-organiser:

        "Belt and Road" International Culture and Art Week

        CHIMAX Education Alliance

        Liushi Manorial Museum

        4. Implementation Unit:

        Chengdu Dayi Culture & Tourism Co., Ltd.

        5. Jury Committee:

The organising committee of the competition selects experts, scholars and specialists in various related fields from the expert bank.

The organising committee of the competition selects experts, scholars, authorities and entrepreneurs in all relevant fields from the expert database of the competition to set up the evaluation expert committee, which is responsible for formulating evaluation rules and standards and carrying out evaluation activities of various events.




1.     A类:视觉传达设计类


2.    B类:文创产品设计类



III. Schedule

The competition will be held from 15 June 2024 to 8 October 2024, and the format of the competition is a worldwide call for entries. The theme of the main competition unit is " Dayi’s Souvenir for You, Inheritance and Innovation", and there are two categories.

        1. Category A: Visual Communication Design

Poster design, logo design, UI design, VI system design, book binding design, packaging design, digital painting, font design, illustration design, etc. for famous scenic spots in Dayi Xiling Snow Mountain, Anren Ancient Town (5A tourist resort), Heming Mountain (the birthplace of Taoism), Zilong Ancestral Hall (Three Kingdoms culture), Republican culture, etc.

        2. Category B: Cultural and Creative Product Design

Cultural and creative products themed on Dayi elements, including but not limited to: daily necessities, electronic products, clothing accessories, office supplies, home textiles and soft furnishings, ceramics, household products, and other arts and crafts products, etc., with local elements of Dayi incorporated into the design.






IV. Participants

Undergraduate, master and doctoral students of domestic and foreign colleges and universities; students of vocational colleges and universities. Practitioners in the art and design industry, professional art and design organisations and art and design groups.

*The competition does not charge any fees for the registration, evaluation and publicity of the participating units or individuals.



      1. 初评


2.    复评


3.    终评



V. Assessment

        1. Preliminary assessment

The finalist entries will be reviewed on-line.

        2. Review

Experts will score and rank the entries offline, and compete for the grade awards.

        3. Final Assessment

The jury will select gold, silver, bronze, excellence awards, excellent instructor awards and other awards according to the ranking of the review and the quota of each award.











III. Awards

The 2024 "Yilu Gift" "Belt and Road" International Creative Design Competition has set up the Gold Award, Silver Award, Bronze Award, Excellence Award and Finalist Award, and the awards as well as prizes are set as follows:

One Gold Prize, with a prize of 20,000 CNY, trophy and certificate;

Two silver awards, prize money of 8,000 CNY, issued with trophies and certificates;

Five Bronze Prizes, with a prize of 2,000 CNY, issued with trophy and certificates;

Twenty excellent prizes, prize money of 500 CNY, issued with certificates;

Other participants and excellent instructor will be issued with organisation award, award certificates.

*All participants and instructors will receive free tickets to visit the major scenic spots in Dayi.



        1.  作品以电子稿形式提交。

1 A视觉传达设计类:以平面方式提交实物或模型照片、设计效果图等13个展板。每个展板为A3版面(宽297mm×420mm),大小5M内,精度高于300dpi,以jpg/CMYK格式上传,不要以压缩包格式上传;动态作品: MP4格式,分辨率1080*1920,画幅:9:16,最多上传1个。

2 B文创产品设计类:提供设计展板13张,请按要求进行排版。内容为设计说明,作品效果图、或照片(应体现整体、局部或组合效果)、三视图、结构说明图等,每个展板为A3版面(宽297mm×420mm),大小5M内,精度高于300dpi,以jpg/CMYK格式上传,不要以压缩包格式上传;动态作品: MP4格式,分辨率1080*1920,画幅:9:16,最多上传1个。

        2. 获得等级奖的作品需提供设计源文件、建模源文件或实物,若不能提供,则视为自动放弃。

        3. 参展作品需贴合大赛主题,具有原创性,不接受AI作品。设计师需自行承担作品涉及的著作权、专利权等法律问题,并保证参展作品不侵犯第三方的知识产权。凡涉及抄袭、借用等侵权行为的,将被取消参展资格,由此引起的法律纠纷由参展者本人负完全责任。活动主办方及合作方不承担任何相关连带法律责任。

        4. 参赛作品曾经参加过其他设计大赛并获奖或为第三方设计产品不得参赛。如因此产生的一切法律纠纷由参赛者自行承担。

        5. 投稿作品不得违反国家法律法规、不得违背社会主义核心价值观。

        6. 主办方对获奖作品提供奖金或奖品并同时拥有作品版权的使用权,对入选作品拥有展览、研究、摄影、录像、出版及宣传等权利。

        7. 参赛者应认真了解并接受大赛规则,主办方对赛事规则拥有最终解释权。

        8. 版面上不允许出现作者姓名、指导教师姓名、学校名称。


VII. Competition Works Requirements

        1. Works to be submitted in electronic form.

(1) A Category - Visual Communication Design:

Submit one to three panels in the form of photos of objects or models, design effects, etc. Each panel is A3 (297mm wide x 420mm high), with a size of 5M. Each exhibition board is A3 layout (width 297mm×height 420mm), within 5M in size, with a precision higher than 300dpi, uploaded in jpg/CMYK format, and please do NOT upload in compressed zip format; dynamic works: MP4 format, resolution 1080*1920, frame: 9:16. Each participant can upload maximum 1 file.

(2) B Category - Cultural and Creative Product Design:

Provide 1 to 3 design panels, please layout as required. The content is design description, effect diagram of the work, or photos (should reflect the overall, partial or combined effect), three-view diagrams, structural illustration diagrams, etc., each exhibition board is A3 layout (width 297mm×height 420mm), the size is within 5M, the precision is higher than 300dpi, and uploaded in jpg/CMYK format, don't upload it in compressed packet format; Dynamic works: MP4 format, resolution 1080*1920, frame: 9:16. 1920, frame: 9:16. Each participant can upload maximum 1 file.

        2. Works awarded with Grade Prizes must provide design source files, modelling source files or real objects; if they cannot, it will be regarded as automatic abandonment.

        3. Participating works should fit the theme of the competition and be original, AI works are not accepted. Designers are responsible for the copyright, patent and other legal issues involved in the works, and ensure that the exhibited works do not infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties. Any infringement involving plagiarism, borrowing, etc. will be disqualified from the exhibition, and the exhibitors themselves will be fully responsible for any legal disputes arising therefrom. The event organiser and its partners shall not be held liable for any legal responsibility arising therefrom.

        4. Entries that have won prizes in other design competitions or have been designed by a third party are not eligible for entry. Any legal disputes arising from this are the sole responsibility of the entrant.

        5. The entries shall not violate national laws and regulations or socialist core values.

        6. The organisers shall provide prizes or awards for the winning entries and also have the right to use the copyright of the entries, and have the right to exhibit, research, photograph, video, publish and publicise the selected entries.

        7. Participants should understand and accept the rules of the competition, and the organiser has the final right to interpret the rules of the competition.

8. The author's name, instructor's name and school name are not allowed to appear on the page.



        1. 第一阶段:(作品征集阶段)大赛启动、作品征集、报名、作品上传。








        2. 第二阶段:(成果转化阶段)评审、颁奖与成果转化。






VIII. Tournament Arrangement

        1. Phase 1: (Call for Entries Phase) Competition Launch, Call for Entries, Registration, and Uploading of Entries.

Competition launch: June 2024

Official announcement.

Collection of works: 15 June - 8 October 2024

Publication and promotion: domestic universities and associations promote the event, and widely publicise and report through posters, networks and other types of media

Promote well-known design universities and domestic industry associations, and widely mobilise outstanding participants to provide entries. International publicity and promotion activities: through the "One Belt, One Road" Education Alliance and internationally renowned design colleges and universities to expand the number of international participants and collect more international entries.

Registration and Uploading: 15 June 2024 to 8 October 2024

Participants will register via the internet and complete the uploading of their entries on the platform.

        2. Phase 2: (Results Transformation Phase) Judging, Awarding and Results Transformation.

Judging of the competition: 8 October - 31 October 2024

The competition follows the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality, and conducts preliminary, re-evaluation and final evaluation of the entries.

Public Announcement

The winning entries of the final competition will be announced on the official website of the competition, and any infringing entries will be cancelled by the organising committee of the competition upon verification of their eligibility and results.



登陆http://dyxzf-dasai.ulearning.cn 注册并上传作品和参赛信息表。


IX. Entry Registration and Work Submission Process

Log on to http://dyxzf-dasai.ulearning.cn to register and upload works and personal information form.

*Refer to the attachment: Participants' Operation Manual



        1.  一带一路国际艺术教育联盟官网:


        2. 大赛组委会联系方式:张老师 13350886116 杨老师 18981791395

        3. 实物作品邮寄地址:

成都市大邑县东壕沟北段181 王老师 18982182137

        4. 赛事官网及作品上传地址:2024“邑路有礼”“一带一路国际创意设计大赛


联系人:李老师 13983034906 刘老师 18608097865


X. Contact Information

        1. The official website of the Belt and Road International Arts Education Alliance:  


        2. Contact information of the organizing committee of the competition: 

Ms. Zhang +86 13350886116 

Ms. Yang +86 18981791395

        3. Mailing address for physical works:

Mr Wang 18982182137, No.181, North Section of East Trench, Dayi County, Chengdu, China.

        4. The official website of the competition and the address for uploading the works: 2024 "Yilu Gift" "Belt and Road" International Creative Design Competition


Contact: Mr Li 13983034906 Mr Liu 18608097865



“Belt and Road” International Art Education Alliance           


Dayi County Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau




June 15, 2024
